On Sunday mornings, instead of working on the farm, people have breakfast – and the perfect egg is a must.
The art of boiling eggs , neither too soft nor too hard, is a challenge for many. But for the Gockel PiepEi, this is no problem . Simply store it with the eggs, cook with them and wait until the Gockel PiepEi sings its song. No matter what the water temperature or altitude - the egg will always be perfect thanks to this innovative solution. (FAQ)
How to cook perfect eggs
- Store PiepEi together with chicken eggs
- Place the PiepEi and chicken eggs in the pot at the same time
- Cook together until the corresponding melody plays
- Rinse eggs and peep eggs under cold water
The playlist
Soft-boiled eggs
Egg white soft, egg yolk runny - Old MacDonald
medium-boiled eggs
Egg white solid, egg yolk liquid - My grandma rides a motorcycle in the chicken coop
Hard-boiled eggs
Egg white solid, egg yolk solid - the rooster is dead
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